Emma Bourassa

awards and Nominations:

2017 VCC ESL Pathways Curriculum Project: Colleges and Institutes Canada Program Excellence Award

2013 Faculty Award for Excellence In Internationalization

2013 Teaching Award nomination

Funding received:

2010 TRU Open Learning awarded $10,000 for research to examine whether a North American model for Prior Learning Assessment Recognition for undergraduate students in Myanmar (Burma) can be delivered in a different cultural context. Research led to 2 conference presentations, a national Canadian conference and an international conference in Sweden.


2009 BC Campus collaboration in $30,000 award to co-develop Culturally Diverse Learners film for faculty development, which has been disseminated via webinar with BCCampus and in hard copy to 7 Canadian and international colleagues.


2008 TRU Center for Teaching and Learning $650 for Facilitator Instructional Strategies Workshops of which I have delivered 4


2006 TRU World $1200 for Internationalizing Curriculum training at Malaspina College (now Vancouver Island University)


2004 UCC (now TRU) Short term projects $1400 for M.Ed research in Mexico. This was experiential learning involving becoming an international student to understand their struggles with language and pedagogical approach. This led to curriculum revision for all of my ESL courses and further certification and publication in the area of intercultural communication.



2004 BC TEAL (Teachers of English and Additional Languages) Nan Poliakoff Award $500 used for conference attendance.